Tuesday, June 26, 2007

World Wide

I think I shared with you a few posts back the pen that I designed for Acme Studios of Hawaii (My first licensing deal).
I was just on their website and looking at their stores from other countries and noticed that they’re using my pen design and headshot in some of their in-store displays। I’m so excited!

The first two are from the Parkson Grand Alamanda in Malaysia. I’m on the middle shelf on the left.
The third photo is from Seibu in Hong Kong. My pic is down in the left corner. I’ve done a second design for Acme which should be coming out next year and I’m working on a third. Its fun.

Saturday, June 02, 2007


I’m not posting as much as I’d like to. And I’ve said it before, but its because I’ve been in a creative slump for some time now. Seems the only time I get some oomph is when I have a commissioned piece to create. I guess that’s how it is with us artists - as least that’s how it is with me. Great thing is I have some commissions on the horizon. I’ll keep you ‘posted’. Till then, here’s a little painting I did at the end of 2005. it’s a little different in feeling from some of my other paintings, though I can’t really explain why. I like it and I was privileged to have very good friends purchase it. I hope they are enjoying it.